News Brief – Letter of Objection for Endsleigh Development

Oct 11, 2023 | Douglas, Planning

As many of you will know, a planning application has been submitted to redevelop No.1 Endsleigh, Douglas by demolishing the existing two-storey building and replacing it with five 1-bedroom apartments and eight 2-bedroom apartments as well as two covered bicycle racks.


Here is a link to the planning application on the Cork City Planning website:


Sincere apologies for missing the recent residents meeting in Regina Mundi, Covid was playing havoc in our home.

Remember, individual objections are better than a joint one and as you are aware the closing date for objections is October the 23rd. Make sure that you do keep your receipt as it will be needed to allow you to appeal to An Bord Pleanala if necessary in the future.


Please see below a copy of my objection to the proposed development.


I would like to object in the strongest terms possible to the planning application No. 23/42309 situated in No.1 Endsleigh, Douglas, Cork.


The proposed construction of a large apartment block in the place of a single home is utterly out of character with the area.


The density is inappropriate in this location. While an area may be zoned in a particular way that doesn’t mean that every location within that area is suitable.

The height is absolutely out of character with the mature residential park in which it sits.


The request to provide no car parking is adding insult to injury, while there is a maximum of parking allowed there is no minimum, however common sense should prevail, this merely increases profits for the developer and will cause difficulties for the local residents. If the argument that this development will suit downsizing, the generation who may wish to downsize are not cyclists, they are for the vast majority car dependant.


The rush to increase density within the 15 min city should not allow bad decisions from the planning authority to be made, an holistic a balanced approach to planning should take precedence.


Brown sites should absolutely be used to provide higher density housing, however brown sites which were former commercial or large estates are in general appropriate for high density, single home sites are not appropriate.



Yours sincerely
Cllr Des Cahill